Emulsifiers / Emulsion formulation
Food emulsifiers / Emulsion formulation

Emulsifiers are used in chocolate, ice cream, and processed fats such as margarine, providing them with a variety of features. Acting to bind water and oil which are not miscible under normal circumstances, emulsifiers fulfill roles such as emulsifying fats, controlling bubble formation, and making foods more palatable. They also act on substances such as starch and proteins to modify functions such as age inhibition, on fats through crystallization control (growth promotion, crystallization inhibition), and also function to improve shape retention. Since first brought a food emulsifier on the Japanese market in 1952, Taiyo Kagaku has continued to provide exceptional emulsifiers to food manufacturers in Japan and the other countries around the world for half a century.
Main functions
- Emulsion
- Dispersion
- Foaming
- Anti-foaming
- Moistening
- Solubilization
- Cleaning
- Starch grain preservation
- Anti-aging
- Anti-adhesion
- Anti-gelling
- Controlling crystallisation
- Gas retention
- Water retention
- Antibacterial and antifungal
- Plasticity
- Thickening
- Antioxidation
Main applications
- Pastries
- Bakery
- Ice cream
- Margarine/Shortening
- Whipped cream
- Chocolate
- Chewing gum
- Noodles
- Tofu
- Dairy products
- Milk beverages
- Sauce / Basting Sauce
- Cooking oil / Frying oil
- Fragrances / Pigments
We sell different products depending on the region.
Please contact us for more information.